Thursday, December 17, 2009

Zuma's Rescue Ranch Fundraiser

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Horses and humans alike shared Joy at this gala spring 2009 fundraiser. The Messenich's were gracious hosts, hors d'ouev-vre’s tasty and bountiful, wine outstanding and the sunset views of the Rocky Mountain foothills and city lights of Denver magnificent. Michael Blake, author of Dances With Wolves as well as many other books and screenplays kept up with long lines of folks waiting for him to sign his books, especially his latest, "TWELVE THE KING” about his beloved mustang. A silent auction from frilly blouses to cowboy art bustled with bidders. Guests passed between horse drawn carriage rides and a visit to the corrals where rescued mustangs and foals, cheerily welcomed their visits. Zuma's rescue ranch founders; Jodi, Paul and Torri Messenich are dedicated to bringing children with special needs and rescued mustangs together. They're committed and hard working toward their mission: are as comfortable mucking corrals as they are in well-heeled circles, politicking on the behalf of wild horses, and know when it's time to throw a grand party. Amanda Davis had her whole family involved and enjoying the festivities, including two mustang mares she nursed back to health after their near death at "Three Strikes Ranch" in Alliance Nebraska. The star of this little film, Bad Boy Bandit, was born at Zuma's Rescue Ranch, from his Mustang mother who's still loving and trusting, even after her battles to survive round up, internment and neglect. Under Amanda's care and Zuma's safety, Amanda's two mares and two colts flourish. Watch for more films featuring what goes on at Zuma's Rescue Ranch.

Music: "Suits and Sycophants" by Cottonhead, licensed by Rumble Fish.


  1. Hi Mara - What a great charity this is - and what beautiful shots of these horses and children! Bring us more!

  2. great pictures of Bad Boy Bandit
