Friday, December 18, 2009

Field To Farm The Horse Knows the Way


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I had a good time shooting this footage of Eric Husted and his traveling horse, Will. I felt like I was on a little reunion, since my last film, HEART & SOIL, included footage of Laboca Center for Sustainability and Kelle Carter, this year's farm garden manager at Laboca. Kelle was the garden manager for Seeds of Change research farm outside Taos New Mexico when she spoke in HEART & SOIL. I'm glad she's now part of our local community. A river runs through this land gem in the arid southwest, and the horses belonging to Eric Husted, of Lorax Forest Care, help reduce the carbon footprint for Laboca by saving fuel as they plough and disc the garden and their own hay field for winter-feed. Besides being a handsome hunk of a horse, Will prances down the highway like he's lead in a parade as he pulls the cart to the Farmer's Market. The little song "over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go" kept jingling through my head as I followed Will and Eric into town, but "Happy Meeting In Glory" by the late Davey Graham seemed to best match the duo's relationship and rhythm.

1 comment:

  1. HI Mara,
    We are really looking forward to watching your progress with the film on your web site. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not. " Dr. Seuss, The Lorax. -- Jeanne Gribbon, Virginia Range, Nevada
